Our little princess is actually out of the princess stage, while the last few years have been filled with little girl birthdays and princess parties, she's made it very clear that turning 7 required something cooler.
I may be a party pro when it comes to putting party boxes together for your celebrations, but hosting parties for my own children can sometimes get the best of my creative intentions. To add to the challenge for this party, it was actually Ella's Golden birthday so it was important we had it on the weekend of her birthday, a weekend we were going to be out of town celebrating my grandmother's 90th birthday. So add the extra special details of a golden birthday combined with having to pre-plan and pre-setup so we could entertain her friends just hours after landing from the airport. It was a party challenge, but we managed just as busy moms to, here's how!
So how did I manage to host a party just hours after arriving home from the airport, keep it simple and setup in advance which are two tips you can apply to any party. If I'm being honest, I usually always setup the night before to avoid the stress the day of the party.
Choose decor that can be setup in advance
Prior to leaving for the trip, I was able to set her purple table with all the craft supplies and table settings as well as make and hang the fringe garland for some extra sparkle impact.
I kept the decor fairly simple and focused on the fun element being the activity. Here's the details of what I include which are all shoppable in our Sprinkles & Confetti collections by clicking on the image!

About that fringe decor
So I've seen beautiful instagram and pinterest images of fringe garlands and I thought wouldn't that make a perfect backdrop for this party. Well here's what I learned.
1. There's a reason the Etsy shops charge a fortune, it takes a LOT of time and materials to make a full looking garland
2. I chose fabric over plastic tabeclothes to cut because I wanted to get the sparkling gold in, the fabric ended up being a challenge to cut and I didn't have a lot of time so I rushed it which led to some pretty poorly cut strands. If you're going that route you need to leave yourself ample time to measure and cut
The girls still thought it was cute and it added some extra decor in the room, but I wasn't satisfied with the results and I'd say this DIY project is only made for the patient.
Don't look too close!

Now the fun part, bow decorating!
This was a perfect activity for 7 year olds and they loved that they were all working on the same thing but had the opportunity to personalize and make it their own. One simple trip to Hobby Lobby and I had all the supplies I needed. Here's the quick shopping list:
- Solid hair bows (I think they had 5-6 color choices)
- 1 pack of multi sized gem stones
- Tacky glue
- Plastic painters trays (to disperse the beads across multiple groups)
- A variety of glitter puffy paint colors

It worked out great because all of those elements could be set out the night before we left for our to town and when we returned home all I needed to take care of was a few simple snacks and picking up the balloons to put the final touches on decor !

Have a golden celebration of your own coming up or entertaining for your daughter's birthday? Don't forget at Sprinkles & Confetti we offer custom party boxes where you keep the fun of helping create a party vision but we do all the work of pulling the party supplies, activities, and favors together saving you tons of time and hassle! Check it out here.

Parties Made Simple.

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